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Certificated Flight Instructor

Are You Ready To Start Passing On Your Knowledge and Passion For Aviation?

Obtaining a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) Certificate is crucial for career advancement, offering opportunities in flight instruction and beyond. Beyond career prospects, becoming a CFI allows pilots to refine their skills while experiencing the personal fulfillment of sharing their passion for aviation with others.

Commercial Pilot Certificate with an Instrument Rating
Aircraft Rental Cost
$ 0 /h
Instructor Cost
$ 0 /h
Aircraft Rental Cost
$ 0
Aircraft Rental Cost
0 hr
Estimated Timeframe
0 mo.

CFI Frequently Asked Questions

You need to be at least 18 years old and hold a Current Commercial Pilot Certificate

There are many variables that affect how quickly one earns their Certified Flight Instructor Certificate. If you are self-motivated, then you can complete this rating in as little as 2 months from start to finish. The FAA is required to be notified prior to your check ride, and this process can be lengthy, however Vermont Flight Academy has a great relationship with the FAA and we do everything to expedite this process.

Your training for your Certified Flight Instructor Certificate will involve all Commercial maneuvers while commanding the aircraft from the right seat (the instructor’s seat). Commercial maneuvers such as chandelles, lazy 8s, steep spirals and stalls are all a part of the training. An applicants biggest challenge is the muscle memory to fly the aircraft from the right seat. However, practice makes perfect, and with our team of flight instructors to guide you through the process, you will be flying as well as, if not better than you were in the left seat. 

Another component of your training is the Oral Exam prep you will do with your instructor. This is the time to master your instructional abilities and learn what it takes to share the gift of flight.

As a Certified Flight Instructor, you may be compensated for instructing others. You are limited to the aircraft that you are rated with the exception of Multi Engine, which requires a separate certificate. You are allowed to instruct Private and Commercial students, but in order to instruct Instrument students you will require a Flight Instructor Instrument Certificate, which is an addition to your Certified Flight Instructor Certificate.

CFIs are required to renew their Flight Instructor Certificate every 24 months. This can be done by either taking a Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC), a check ride with a Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE), or demonstration to a DPE of 5 successful student signoffs in the past 24 months.

Certificated Flight Instructor - Instrument

Ready to Improve Your Skills and Capabilities as a Flight Instructor?

A Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Rating will not only increase your aeronautical skills and knowledge but allow you to instruct and greatly improve a student’s safety and ability to fly in inclement weather.

CFI Certificate
Aircraft Rental Cost
$ 0 /h
Instructor Cost
$ 0 /h
Aircraft Rental Cost
$ 0
Aircraft Rental Cost
0 hr
Estimated Timeframe
0 mo.

CFII Frequently Asked Questions

There are many variables that affect how quickly one earns their Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Rating. For example, bad weather on a day you are scheduled to fly may cancel a flight. Generally, if a student studies the material and flies frequently, he or she will complete training in the shortest amount of time.

Working with an instructor, you will both make the determination as to when you are ready to take the required exams; approximately 10-15 hours.

A combination of simulator training and flight training under the hood will occur during your training. You will train to proficiency; approximately 15 hours of flight time.

If you already have a Certified Flight Instructor Certificate, obtaining the Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Rating will reset your expiration date for 24 more calendar months. If you are training prospective instrument pilots, you must remain instrument current if you are instructing an aircraft in actual instrument meteorological conditions.

Multi-Engine Instructor Certification

Looking to Double Your Capabilities and Range as an Instructor?

Obtaining a Multi-Engine Instructor (MEI) Rating offers several advantages for pilots, including expanding their teaching capabilities and increasing their marketability in the aviation industry. Additionally, becoming an MEI allows pilots to share their expertise in multi-engine aircraft operations, further enhancing their own skills and knowledge while contributing to the safety and proficiency of aspiring pilots.

Multi-Engine Commercial Pilot Certificate
CFI Certificate
Aircraft Rental Cost
$ 0 /h
Instructor Cost
$ 0 /h
Aircraft Rental Cost
$ 0
Aircraft Rental Cost
0 hr
Estimated Timeframe
0 wk.

MEI Frequently Asked Questions

You need to be at least 18 years old, and hold a Current Commercial Certificate, and have 15 hours PIC.

With a Multi-Engine Instructor Rating you are able to instruct pilots to safely fly a multi-engine aircraft. You can also gain hours towards your ATP.

You must have a minimum of 15 hours PIC in a multi-engine aircraft. Part 61 multi-engine instructor training is “train to proficiency”. The training is very individualized to each individual and where they are at in their training.

Learn how to instruct the added complexities, normal and emergency procedures of multi-engine aircraft with a combination of simulator and in flight training utilizing VFA’s Twin Aircraft.

You must renew your MEI rating every 24 calendar months