Get Your Multi-Engine Rating!
Looking to Expand Your Capabilities and Range as a Pilot?
With a Multi-Engine Rating, pilots can operate aircraft equipped with more than one engine, expanding their flying capabilities and opportunities. This certification enables pilots to pursue careers in commercial aviation, corporate flying, or charter operations, offering increased versatility and advancement in the aviation industry. Additionally, it enhances safety by providing training in managing multi-engine aircraft systems, performance, and emergency procedures.
FAA Private or Commercial Certificate
Multi-Engine Frequently Asked Questions
You need to be at least 17 years old, and hold a Current Private or Commercial Certificate.
With a Multi-Engine Land Rating you are able to safely fly a multi-engine aircraft.
Part 61 multi-engine instructor training is “train to proficiency”. The training is very individualized to each individual and where they are at in their training.
You must renew your Multi-Engine Land Rating every 24 calendar months by way of a flight review.